
Contact me if you’re ready to live an inspiring life!

I truly believe that everything we need to heal is already within us. Nevertheless, there is so much power in having an external reference point and guide along life’s journey. I know how much I’ve benefitted from having a personal Wellness Team—a group of amazing healers who have supported me through my personal transformation.

For a long time, I was unhappy in a way that I couldn’t even acknowledge to myself. I spent years trying to convince myself that what I had was enough, that I should just be grateful for what I had. When I finally decided to stop playing it small, my life expanded in ways I never could have dreamed before. It is so gratifying when I connect with someone and they tell me how inspiring my life is. I dream of that for everyone.

life visioning

Everyone deserves to live an inspiring life. One that feels aligned with who you are at the core of your being.

I guide my clients in developing goals with soul. So often we get caught up in what we want to achieve, believing happiness will come when we get the promotion, find the right person, or have enough money to buy the dream thing. But waiting for happiness is a dangerous game. Better to start with how you want to feel—secure, connected, loved, appreciated, celebrated, free, etc.—and begin identifying the circumstances under which you experience those feelings.

How do you want to feel at work? At home? In your body? I’ll help you feel into your dream life. What would it take to wake up thinking, “I can’t believe this is my life! Thank you, Universe!!!”

road mapping

How do you get to your dream life from where you are today? We’ll take a holistic look at your life—career, relationships, health, and finances—and figure out an actionable plan to move boldly in the direction of your dreams. To begin creating situations where you can feel the way you want to feel more of the time. To make the shifts you need to make your dream life your real life. Dream lives aren’t just handed to us…we have to commit to shifting old patterns that no longer serve us in order to experience life in a more aligned, expansive way.

intuitive healing

Sometimes we need to let go of the past in order to move forward. The memories that still have a strong emotional charge—the ones that still make us sad or angry or filled with regret…there are ways to shift them. We don’t have to carry the burdens of the past around with us, even if they’ve been with us for decades.

I use a variety of modalities, including EFT tapping (emotional freedom tapping), Emotion Code, inner child work, theta healing and visualizations, to guide clients through intuitive healing. Feel it, release it, and step into the life of your dreams!